The 1950s Canlis Menu Hunt – Willy Wonka Style!

NEW! Team pictures from the grand finale on New Year’s Eve day!

This site was created to capture all the excitement – and coverage – of Canlis Restaurant’s great social media scavenger hunt!

This contest was created by owners Brian and Mark Canlis to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the iconic Seattle fine-dining restaurant. The brothers began hiding Canlis menus from 1950 around the Seattle area on Oct. 19, 2010 and one clue was hidden each day (except Sundays). Then a cryptic clue was posted each day on the restaurants Twitter and Facebook pages to help menu seekers find the coveted prize. The hunt continues through the restaurant’s actual anniversary of Dec. 11, 2010, and there is also a “phase II” of the contest that will take place New Year’s Eve 2010.

The curator of the site is Karen Rosenzweig, social media strategist of One Smart Cookie Marketing. Am I an expert on this contest? Maybe not, but I’m one of the biggest fans and most adamant supporters of this brilliant use of social media. And as I’ve followed the Canlis “circus” each day, I was wishing there was a site I could read everything that was going on – so this is my attempt to corral it all!  Please send any additions to help make it the best possible resource!

On the left sidebar, you will find media coverage, blog posts and videos documenting the hunt, and the right sidebar has Twitter feeds from the Canlis restaurant and Brian Canlis.  Have fun!

3 responses to “The 1950s Canlis Menu Hunt – Willy Wonka Style!

  1. Linda Roberts

    Love everything about this restaurant! Just as great last week as it was my first visit over 30 years ago!

  2. Gabe

    Would you rather:

    A: Find a menu and give it to someone else to enjoy,


    B: Have a friend find a menu who gives it to you to enjoy?

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